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Will My Gums be Sore After Scaling and Root Planing?

Dental treatment can sound scary, and many times, it may even sound painful. However, if you are aware of the treatment you are getting and the side effects that come with it, then you can be prepared for any soreness around your teeth and gums or discomfort you may feel afterward. Dr. Hal Kussick can help answer any questions you may have regarding your dental care and treatment. Schedule a consultation with Dental@888 General and Aesthetic Dentistry in Seattle, WA to learn about how scaling and root planing can help you.

What is scaling and root planing?

Scaling and rot planing (SRP) is commonly used after periodontal or gum disease has progressed past its initial phase. During the first stages of periodontal disease, commonly called gingivitis, this disease can usually be corrected with professional cleanings and a good oral hygiene routine. Once this disease has reached the phases referred to as periodontitis, scaling and root planing can be used to remove harmful substances, such as plaque, tartar, and even bacteria, from your gums. This procedure is performed using highly specialized dental tools to create a healthy environment for your gums and help reduce the progression of gum disease. If left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to bone loss, tissue loss, and loose or moving teeth.

What should I expect with scaling and root planing

A full treatment of scaling and root planing consists of multiple treatments over a period of time. It usually takes around four appointments to treat every section of your mouth. To start the procedure, Dr. Kussick numbs the area being treated with a general anesthetic. Then, advanced tools, such as a tooth scaler and other handheld tools, will be used to cleanly and precisely remove the buildup of damaging substances from your teeth. Finally, your tooth root surface will get smoothed to reduce the surface area where harmful bacteria might be harbored. Topical antibiotics will also be put into your gum pockets to reduce bacteria growth.

What is recovery like after scaling and root planing?

During the first few weeks following your scaling and root planing procedure, you may experience slight discomfort or soreness in your gums, increased sensitivity to temperature, and sometimes even increased sensitivity to sweets. However, all of this is a normal part of the healing process. Dr. Kussick can help give you tips for recovery and how to reduce the soreness you may experience within your gums. If you think you may have periodontal disease and may require scaling and root planing, contact Dental@888 General and Aesthetic Dentistry in Seattle, WA to learn how Dr. Kussick can help you today.

Where can I get scaling and root planing in Seattle, WA?

Scaling and root planing is a noninvasive treatment for a serious disease. This treatment may leave you with sensitivity and soreness around your teeth, such as your gums, but it can help prevent the spread of periodontal disease within your gums. The side effects of this treatment are minor and usually short-lived, and this treatment can help reduce your risk for dental and tissue loss. Dr. Hal Kussick can answer any questions you have regarding your dental procedures to help ease any worries or concerns. Contact Dental@888 General and Aesthetic Dentistry in Seattle, WA for a full consultation on the overall state of your oral and dental health.

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